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Neis Wai

I believe art is fundamental to quality of life and it is inbuilt into our genes to crave aesthetics. Many people aren’t aware of this and my desire is to bring this consciousness to people in my practice.

I have trained in drawing in Julian Ashton in Sydney, painting in Central St Martins in London and lithography at The Art Students League in New York. I spent a year in London and Europe doing the ‘Grand Tour’ exploring museums and galleries and absorbing the wonderful music offered in their concert halls.

My professional life is in IT. This guides my creativity with process and discipline allowing me to merge both my left and right brains in my creative works. Most of my works are hung in corporate offices in New York and Hong Kong and in homes in Australia.

I have travelled widely and have been exposed to many cultures. This experience informs my art urging me to explore forms and approaches to produce diversity and freshness. Human connections make life worth living, and if we cannot connect physically, perhaps we could meet through art.


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